
Showing posts from October, 2020

What is a niche and how do I pick one? Picking a niche can be difficult for any business owner. Remember what you want to do in your business is key! Click here to learn how to pick a niche and making sure that it is true to your vision and voice. Perfect for entrepreneurs, business owners, Work form home moms, and coaches.

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Email automation will save you time and help you take your email marketing to the new level. Choose those that are easy to use and cover versatile features. #wordpress #plugins #email #automation #tools

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Paint a positive message in the hearts of those you love. #KimGarst #InspirationalQuotes #Inspiration

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Have you been thinking about doing a social media detox? In this post, we’ll discuss your options when it comes to social media detoxification, the benefits of deleting social media, and how to detox from social media. Bonus: wallpapers to help you through it! Social media detox | social media detox challenge | social media detox tips | social media detox wallpapers | how to do social media detox | reduce social media consumption | benefits social media detox

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Lord give me a vision so big that without You it will be impossible. #KimGarst #Faith #Inspiration

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

8 main areas to start aligning your business with your social values! Key topics include: how to grow a business in an intentional way, small business tips, how to incorporate your values in your brand messaging, content marketing and overall marketing strategy, CEO mindset and entrepreneur mindset.

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Ep. 169 | Being Creative with Your Podcast with Nicole Bernard - Savvy Podcasting for Entrepreneurs

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Running a business is challenging. It can take some time before you get to see any results for your efforts. To become unstoppable you must first create and build momentum in your business. Having a plan and taking action every day will get you there, slowly but surely. #onlinemarketing #onlinebusiness

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

If you are a blogger you should know that there are many different ways to make money from blogging - from Digital products to Affiliate marketing! In this post I will share with you all the ways you can make money from blogging including how to sell your Blog for profit! #makemoneyfromblogging #makemoneyonline #bloggingtips

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Do you know how to repurpose content for your business blog and social media? Today, I’m sharing the best online business tips for exploding your content on the internet so you can consistently meet your ideal client where they are at. Head to the blog to learn how to repurpose and blog content ideas so you never have to worry about creating new content. | #sociamedia #blogtraffic #smallbusiness

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Ready to start your new year off right? Get your Pinterest marketing strategy in order by considering some of these new Pinterest Trends. Pinterest is constantly evolving and adding new features to its platform everyday. That is why it’s vital to stay on top of the current Trends. Start learning the new trends now by clicking on this pin. #Pinterest #2020trends #2020socialmediatrends #socialmediatrends

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Before you judge someone else's decisions, STOP and think about all that God has forgiven YOU for. #KimGarst #Faith #Inspiration

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

"Your website is the cornerstone of your business. Looking at website ownership ensures you’re protecting your investment. As a small business owner, you cannot do your job alone. But that doesn’t mean completely handing the reigns over to your tech guru. Although you are a subject matter expert, you will need to enlist help to make every aspect of your business run smoothly. When hiring help, it is important for you to trust them as much as Batman trusts Robin."

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Apparel brands are so hot right now.It�s a great time to launch with a well-designed line.Here are our favorite tips to start your apparel company�

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

EPIC list of Facebook algorithm hacks that actually work to get your content seen and shared, which means a surge in traffic for your blog! This post teaches you how to get around the Facebook algorithm and use Facebook to drive traffic to your site. A must read!

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Social Media is like a big party... Don't be that guy or gal who is loud and obnoxious... Always talking, never listening! #KimGarst #SMTips #SocialMedia

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Is a digital course the best next step for your business? Listen to find out how I turned my 1:1 coaching program into a digital course.

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Discover top plugins for your WordPress website

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

I want to ask you honestly, how’s your health these days? And if you were to give me an honest answer, what would that be? Today we’re going to talk about why your business needs you to be fit. And we all know that our own health needs to be placed first, but are you really doing that and are you truly looking after yourself?

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

Want to start a Social Media Marketing Agency? Learn all about the 5 critical Steps to Success, visit and dive in! #socialmedia #marketing

via Kim Garst | Online Marketing Strategist

32 of the Best Website Designs to Inspire You in 2020

Every once in a while, I'll come across a website that really draws me in. So, I found 32 of them to show you. These sites push the boundaries of what is known to be possible on the web. Whether it's the design aesthetic, usability, interactivity, sound design, or value that the site provides, each one is a masterpiece in its respective industry, and something to be inspired by. Not surprisingly, many organizations exist to highlight these sites and the contributions they make to the web. To help surface some of the most inspirational designs, I gathered 32 award-winners that have made their way through several key awards organizations — including Awwwards, UX Awards, The Webby Awards, SiteInspire, Best Website Gallery, and FWA. Click the links below to jump to a group of website designs that crushed it in the last several years: Best Website Designs from 2014 – 2015 Best Website Designs from 2016 Best Website Designs from 2017 Best Website Designs from 2018 Best Webs...