
Showing posts from December, 2019

Results are more important than the time it takes to achieve them.

via Kim Garst

How do I promote my membership without being too pushy or “salesy”? If so, read my blog post where I share 6 membership program marketing strategies that will answer the question, and more. #KimGarst #marketing #strategy

via Kim Garst

How to start your own profitable blog in 2020 and work from home as your own boss? This article + FREE WORKBOOK will walk you through the whole process STEP BY STEP. Become a blogger in 2020! #TGBL #bloggingtips #howtostartablog

via Kim Garst

My jeans say "no more goodies" but my leggings are like "we got you gurrll" #KimGarst #Humor #Funny

via Kim Garst

Are you telling a great story? Our audit process can find flaws and tweak your process for higher conversions.

via Kim Garst

What is retargeting? Learn why your business should be using our display ad strategy to grow your business. #websitetraffic

via Kim Garst

When you feel like quitting, KEEP GOING! #KimGarst #Faith #SundayVibes #Inspiration

via Kim Garst

A list of the 27 best, active and engaging Facebook groups for bloggers! Connect and learn from other bloggers while you are trying to grow your blog. #bloggingtips #bloggingideas #blogging101

via Kim Garst

Are you making blogging mistakes? Most new bloggers make tons of blogging mistakes they have no idea about! And, this is why new bloggers don't grow online. Click here to find out top blogging mistakes by bloggers. And, also learn how to fix blogging mistakes. #bloggingtips #bloggingforbeginners #bloggers

via Kim Garst

How do I like my eggs? Hmmmm... in a cake! #KimGarst #Humor #Funny

via Kim Garst

If you can learn to delegate tasks effectively, you can free up your time and energy to work on the things that matter most – as well as the tasks you actually enjoy. I’m going to give you 5 strategies to delegate tasks effectively…so you can decrease your own workload and boost your productivity. #KimGarst #productivity #strategy

via Kim Garst

You need to stop doing these 55 Pinterest mistakes because they are holding you back. Learn how to fix them right now. Read about these Pinterest marketing ideas that will help your grow your business. Learn how to grow your business with Pinterest marketing for entrepreneurs. Check out the best Pinterest tips and Pinterest strategies. How to use Pinterest marketing to grow your business and blog. Expert Pinterest marketing ideas and tips for entrepreneurs. #PinterestMarketing #PinterestMistakes

via Kim Garst

The Biggest Highlights in the World of Social Media Platforms In 2019 Trends for 2020 [infographic]

via Social Media Marketing World

The New Approach to Work-Life Balance

CareerBuilder found that nearly half of American workers check email after they leave work, and 45% say they do work during non-business hours. Additionally, this phenomenon crosses global borders, prompting new laws in France and a campaign in Japan to limit working hours. Of course, we'd all love a little more balance in our lives. But it's more than that. We need it. Today's "always on" mentality has serious consequences. Stanford professors Joel Goh, Jeffrey Pfeffer, and Stefanos Zenios found that more than 120,000 deaths per year and approximately 5%–8% of annual healthcare costs may be attributable to workplace stress from long working hours, job insecurity, work-family conflict, high job demands, and low social support at work. But achieving work-life balance is hard. Obviously, reducing workplace stress is essential. But, despite finding that those who take vacation and travel are happier in their personal and professional lives, Project Time Off al...

Every year we update our Pantone Color of the Year article. This year we add Classic Blue. Do you like it? It is a color you think you will use? #pantone #pantonecoloroftheyear #classicblue #design #graphicdesign #interiordecor #designers #colors

via Kim Garst

Instagram is the best social media platform for online businesses to gain trust and social proof with potential customers. Having a solid Instagram strategy can be huge for increasing your sales & income. Click to see the 7 ways Instagram can help you sell more physical & digital products online and grow your business! #instagramtips #onlinebusiness #smallbusiness #entrepreneur #creativeentrepreneur

via Kim Garst

No matter how old I get, I think I will always have to mentally sing the ABC's to see what letter comes next. #KimGarst #Humor #Funny

via Kim Garst

Join thousands of fellow marketers and influencers at the mega-conference designed to empower you with business-building ideas—brought to you by Social Media Examiner. Join us in San Diego, March 1-3, 2020. #socialmedia #digitalmarketing #marketing #socialmediamarketingworld #SMMW2020 #socialmediamarketing #networking #networkingevent #event #speakingengagement #conference

via Kim Garst

Facebook claims to regulate its policies amidst the criticism

via Social Media Marketing World

Even if you�re a new blogger, these 5 things are easy to do to help you with your site�s SEO. Implementing all of these things should only take maybe an hour of your time and could pay off big time in the long run. #seotips #contentmarketing

via Kim Garst

If you are more fortunate than others, build a longer table not a taller fence. #KimGarst #InspirationalQuotes #Inspiration

via Kim Garst

We know that sitting down to write captions can be intimidating. We have created a guide on how to write a killer Instagram caption. #instagrammanager #pinterestmanager #socialmediatips #instagrammarketing #instagramcaptions

via Kim Garst

If you can't do anything about it, then let it go. Don't be a prisoner to things you can't change.

via Kim Garst

The 9 important tasks you must do when starting a new blog, with blogging tips for new bloggers. A checklist for those starting a new blog and new bloggers. #blogtips #newblogger #startingablog #blogger101

via Kim Garst

Looking for some hashtags for Instagram? How I used these inspirational hashtags to gain followers and grow the Kingdom. #Instagram #hashtags#blogging #bloggrowth

via Kim Garst

Jesus didn't have to agree with others to be kind to them. #KimGarst #Faith #SundayVibes #Inspiration

via Kim Garst

Can you believe it’s that time again for Social Media Trends for 2020? I am sharing my predictions for the top 10 social media trends for 2020! #KimGarst #SocialMedia #marketing

via Kim Garst

Do you manage a remote team? In this post, I share some strategies you can try out to better manage your remote team. #KimGarst #team #management

via Kim Garst

Which is the best blogging platform in 2020? Wordpress vs Squarespace vs Weebly vs Wix, which one is best for you & what should you use to start your blog successfully? What is the Best Blogging Site in 2020? Best Blogging Sites. #blog #bloggingtips #blogger #blogtips |

via Kim Garst

How Consumers Actually Responded to All Those Black Friday Ads [New Research]

Although Cyber Monday is described as the biggest online shopping event of the year, more than $7.4 billion in online purchases were made on Black Friday in 2019. While a majority of Black Friday purchases happened online, a Fiserv study found that brick-and-mortar store purchases rose by 4.2% compared to 2018. The same study found that a quarter of people traveled 25 miles or more to stores with Black Friday discounts. By now, you may know that this was one of the biggest Black Fridays ever . But, as a marketer, you might be wondering what drove people to overcrowded stores and ecommerce websites during the national shopping event. You also might want to learn more about consumer shopping behaviors to strengthen your overall strategy in 2020. To help you discover more about the consumer behaviors behind Black Friday's 2019 results, I surveyed a pool of more than 300 people using Lucid Software to learn what led them to engage with or purchase products in Black Friday ads. ...

Now you cant use Facebook Messenger without a Facebook Account

via Social Media Marketing World

How to Get an Instafeed on your Website

via Social Media Marketing World

How Consumers Actually Responded to All Those Black Friday Ads [New Research]

Although Cyber Monday is described as the biggest online shopping event of the year, more than $7.4 billion in online purchases were made on Black Friday in 2019. While a majority of Black Friday purchases happened online, a Fiserv study found that brick-and-mortar store purchases rose by 4.2% compared to 2018. The same study found that a quarter of people traveled 25 miles or more to stores with Black Friday discounts. By now, you may know that this was one of the biggest Black Fridays ever . But, as a marketer, you might be wondering what drove people to overcrowded stores and ecommerce websites during the national shopping event. You also might want to learn more about consumer shopping behaviors to strengthen your overall strategy in 2020. To help you discover more about the consumer behaviors behind Black Friday's 2019 results, I surveyed a pool of more than 300 people using Lucid Software to learn what led them to engage with or purchase products in Black Friday ads. ...

Personality Tests: a Gimmick or Helpful Management Tool?

My coworkers and I love personality tests. We share them with each other to have fun and get to know each other — an important task since half of our team is remote and sprinkled across the country. Personality tests have allowed us to gain insight into our lives outside of work. They’ve also helped us better understand our communication and collaboration styles, which has made projects, meetings, and feedback sessions much easier to navigate. Personality tests can be major assets for teams of any size, location, and skill set. They unlock professional preferences such as how each coworker likes to receive criticism and feedback, and they can boost camaraderie and communication between even the most polar opposite team members. Let’s dive into the accuracy of personality tests and how to navigate results in the workplace. How accurate are personality tests? Personality tests are like going to the gym — you only get out what you put in. If you don’t take personality testing serious...

YouTube Kids was "This Close" to Becoming a Completely Micromanaged Platform!

via Social Media Marketing World

A rainbow is coming! BELIEVE!! #KimGarst #Faith #SundayVibes #Inspiration

via Kim Garst

To make a difference, you don't have to be amazing, rich, or even perfect... You just have to care! #KimGarst #InspirationalQuotes #Inspiration

via Kim Garst

Success hinges on the simple act of making a decision. So make that decision already! And then take action!

via Kim Garst

Do you want to become a more productive blogger? Are you struggling with how busy you are? Click here to find out how to become more productive and make better use of your time as a blogger. Plus reclaim your time + avoid the blogger overwhelm with this FREE printable Productivity Planner! >>> via #productivity #productiveblogger #bloggingtips

via Kim Garst

Email is a great way to communicate, provided you do it right. Are you making any of these common mistakes with your business's emails?

via Kim Garst

Running low on inspiration? Check out the 7 best books for female entrepreneurs and bloggers and get the motivation you need to crush your biz goals this year! #bestbooksforfemaleentrepreneurs #girlbossbooks #bookstoreadinyour20s #girlbossbooks #inspirationalbooks

via Kim Garst

As a business owner, knowing what’s ahead isn’t just interesting – it’s a must.Knowing how to prepare, where to put your money, and whether/how you need to shift your focus is KEY to not just keeping up with the competition…but to leaving them in the dust! #KimGarst #SocialMedia #marketing

via Kim Garst

Skyrocket your success with 7 of the best books for female entrepreneurs. These girl boss books will inspire you to become your best self and take your career to the next level. See my 2020 reading list now! #booksforfemaleentrepreneurs #bookstoreadinyour20s #motivationalbooksforwomen #girlbossbooks #bestbusinessbooks #lifechangingbooks

via Kim Garst