Have you ever visited a website you frequent and found that the text interacts with you? For instance, when I log onto Mailchimp , my dashboard says, "Welcome back, Kayla" -- this is because my account with the site has my first name in its system and uses smart targeting to make my interaction with the website more delightful. Smart targeting provides a more individual experience for webpage visitors. For example, if I visit a web page that's not in my first language, in some cases, I'll receive an option to translate that web page into my first language based on my location. That's smart targeting at work. Targeted content is an opportunity to reach audiences with a custom experience that's personalized to their interests. A common form of this is the targeted ad you saw on Facebook for PetCo after browsing Target for new dog food. Alternatively, if you visit an e-commerce store you frequently shop at, you may notice an option to "Order it again....