
Showing posts from July, 2019

when you give, you will receive. Make sure you are giving Grace, Love and Forgiveness.! Victoria Osteen

via Kim Garst

I see too many business owners focused on using groups primarily to promote and broadcast their stuff. And this is a sure-fire way to FAIL at getting engagement in your group! #KimGarst #Facebook #FacebookGroup #SocialMedia

via Kim Garst

A Facebook ad, when done right, can be extremely profitable and the same goes for an Instagram ad! Here's how to drive more sales from your ads...

via Kim Garst

Have you ever wondered how you can use video marketing in a way that actually expands your influence? That helps your ideal customers or clients get to know, respect and trust you? #KimGarst #SocialMedia

via Kim Garst

Have you ever wondered how you can use video marketing in a way that actually expands your influence? That helps your ideal customers or clients get to know, respect and trust you? #KimGarst #VideoMarketing #SocialMedia

via Kim Garst

Now that Pinterest has approved hashtags, you need to use them properly. I've found an easy way to use Tailwind to create Pinterest hashtags for your pins. This is an excellent part of your SEO strategy for boosting your Pinterest traffic. Click thru to learn more. #helpfornewbloggers #Pinteresttips #Pinteresttricks #Pinteresthacks #Tailwind #bloggertips

via Kim Garst

3 Tips for Repurposing Blog Posts on Pinterest | Vanessa Kynes | Repurposing blog posts on Pinterest is one of my favorite ways to get more traffic on some of your most popular blog posts. Get my easy tips for getting new viral clicks and traffic to your website using these top social media marketing tips. #bloggingtips #pinterestmarketing

via Kim Garst

How to Define Your Branding Spot in 15 minutes. 3 Branding Tips for Larger Engagement. Julie Solomon most popular blog post. Download the free cheatsheet. #JulieSolomon #Branding #engagement

via Kim Garst

Facebook groups are a fantastic way to provide value to your audience, while growing your traffic, email list and sales. #KimGarst #Facebook #SocialMedia

via Kim Garst

7 Steps to Create Sexy Blog Post Title Ideas That Rank Well on Google [Infographic]

via Business & Marketing Infographics

8 of the Best A/B Testing Tools for 2019

In the marketing industry, we treat experts like they’re village elders, soaking up every tip and trick they have to offer so we can implement them into our own work, desperately hoping for similar results. But, when you really think about it, marketing is always changing and experts often don’t have visibility into your unique context. This naturally begs the questions -- what should you do when you can’t find a solution to one of your problems on the internet? To find the answers to your unique problem, consider channeling your inner Sherlock Holmes and become an investigator . Investigators forage for information that’ll lead them to the answers of their own specific questions. And, as a marketer, one of the best investigative tools at your disposal is A/B testing. Every company has a different set of customers, so there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for designing the most optimal website, crafting the most compelling copy, or building the most effective product. To figure out w...

Another round of Instagram updates by our favorite tipster Jane Manchun Wong

via Social Media Marketing World

5 Ways to Optimise Your Website Content to Rank Higher on Voice Search [Infographic]

via Business & Marketing Infographics

Twitter is Not Just for Social Media Justice Warriors

via Social Media Marketing World

Logo Design Inspiration: 31 Creative Ways to Design a 2-Letter Logo [Infographic]

via Business & Marketing Infographics

The Ultimate Guide to Content Distribution

Year after year, hundreds of marketers report increased efforts and spending on their content marketing — or the intention to do so. But great content is a waste if your audience doesn’t know it exists. Content distribution is an integral, if not the most important, part of your content strategy. In recent years, there’s been a rapid influx of content … met with dwindling demand. With almost 4.5 million blog posts published every day , there’s only so much content we can consume. Marketing influencer Mark Schaefer argues that, because of this “content shock,” content marketing may not be a sustainable strategy for every business. While I won’t agree or disagree with this theory, I will equip you with the tools you need to distribute the content you create. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to build a content distribution strategy that gets your content in front of — and consumed by — your audience. Although the content distribution process happens after you create your co...

YouTube is Reportedly Reevaluating Views and Records in light of a Massive Viewership Record Getting Broken Controversially!

via Social Media Marketing World

180 Power Words to Instantly Improve Your Website & Social Media Strategy [Infographic]

via Business & Marketing Infographics

Nothing is easy, but in the end, it's worth it. Be thankful for everything. It's part of the game called life!

via Kim Garst

#Quotes #InspirationalQuotes

via Kim Garst

WhatsApp Rolls out New Beta Update for iOS... Implements Several Changes!

via Social Media Marketing World

3 Social Media Design Tips for a Killer Visual Online Strategy [Infographic]

via Business & Marketing Infographics

You may need to go over, under, around or through, but just do what you need to do and never give up!

via Kim Garst

Video marketing by doing interviews are a GREAT way to do this! Not only will your audience truly enjoy and appreciate these, they’re a great way to become known as a true influencer in your field. #KimGarst #SocialMedia

via Kim Garst

if you�re looking for ways to build your list, create a passive income stream and do it all on the cheap, Facebook Groups are for you! #KimGarst #Facebook #SocialMedia

via Kim Garst

Hashtags are one of the best ways to get new followers on Instagram.

via Kim Garst

Starting a blog can change your life. Why start a blog? Here are the 4 life-changing reasons to start a blog today! #startablog #blog #blogging #edwindollars

via Kim Garst

Facebook Ads to Offer Targeting Based on Search Queries

via Social Media Marketing World

Grow your blog with Pinterest group boards in 2019. You're probably wondering, do Pinterest group boards still work? Find out the best ways to find the best Pinterest group boards and some tips and tricks to get the best results using your Pinterest profile and grow your blog in 2019. These tips can be used to grow your blog, send traffic to your website or even to affiliate links. Fast and effective growth using Pinterest group boards. #pinterest #blogging |

via Kim Garst

Is the One Funnel Away Challenge Right for You? Clickfunnels makes building sales funnels so easy! They host the challenge which EVERY ONLINE entrepreneur who wants to get leads and make sales needs to join NOW! Click to learn more about the challenge. #onefunnelaway #ofa #clickfunnels

via Kim Garst

Logo Psychology: What Logo Styles Do People Trust the Most? [Infographic]

via Business & Marketing Infographics

Here are the top three reasons why entrepreneurs and business owners should use Facebook Ads. Running successful ad campaigns consists of getting the right marketing messages in front of the right audience using the format that works for your audience be it video, carousel ads, image. These are useful for running effective ads and keeping the cost of advertising low. Click here to learn more and how we can help you run profitable Facebook Ad Campaigns. #facebookmarketing #facebook #fbads

via Kim Garst

Don't let your emotions trump your intelligence. Take a deep breath, slow down for a minute and think things through before making life changing decisions.

via Kim Garst

10 Simple Ways to Write Stronger Introductions

There's a lot of material out there about writing great headlines . Hey, g etting someone to click on your article is a critical part of your blogging strategy. But what about writing introductions? C ompelling readers to actually read the article is an art form in and of itself -- and if you don't do it well, then you're denying yourself potential promoters, subscribers, leads, and even paying customers. Take a look at the following graph from Schwartz to see what I mean. It shows where people stopped scrolling in an experiment covering many articles across the web. Every time someone landed on an article, Chartbeat analyzed that visitor's behavior on a second-by-second basis, including which portion of the page the person was currently viewing. E ach bar represents the share of readers who got to a particular depth in the article. Image Credit: Slate Of everyone who landed on an article, 10% never scroll down. So how do you get more people to scroll? One wa...

Instagram Tests Out New Suggested Photos Feature

via Social Media Marketing World