From 1976 to 2000, the average working American took off more than 20 days a year . 15 years later, that number has decreased to 16 days for the average American. We all know the importance of work-life balance -- but, unfortunately, we don't always know how to implement formal company policies to give employees' legitimate permission to take time off. And, without company approval, many employees are leaving free vacation days on the table. Additionally, your employees are unique. While some might want time off to visit the Grand Canyon, others might just want to stay home with a sick child, or catch up on errands. A lack of time off for employees can impact your company's bottom line, too. In fact, people who use vacation days are more likely to get a promotion or raise . Ultimately, time off allows people to recharge and maintain peak productivity levels, undoubtedly good for your company's long-term growth. To ensure your company sees optimal success in 2019,...