
Showing posts from January, 2019


Sounds nice — Michael A. Stelzner (@Mike_Stelzner) February 1, 2019


Awesome — Michael A. Stelzner (@Mike_Stelzner) February 1, 2019

Instagram marketing

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10 Technology Trends

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Sorry to hear about the weather. It's raining here in San Diego :( — Michael A. Stelzner (@Mike_Stelzner) January 31, 2019

13 Psychological Pri

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Facebook Remains Fin

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LinkedIns New Post T

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Facebook Tried to Pa

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Social Media Basics:

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Here is How Facebook

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The Ultimate Guide to Human Resources

When I initially applied for my role at HubSpot, I was immediately blown away by the hiring manager I was working with. She was professional, incredibly informative, and experienced. She had the answer to every question I had about the company, the role I was being interviewed for, and HubSpot’s culture. From the first point of contact with this HubSpot employee and throughout my onboarding process, she was the prime example of what I believed a person in human resources should be. Even now, she checks in with me to ask how I’m doing and how my job is going when I see her around the office. Remarkable Human Resources (HR) employees are critical at every company. They handle all employee relations so you can focus on your side of the business. Before we discuss more reasons why your company needs an impactful HR department and how you can go about building one, let's talk more about what human resources actually means.   Based on this definition alone, you can see how it would ...

10 Technology Trends

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This episode of the Journey explores how I seek to find someone to replace himself as the head of marketing. It also explores the merging of social and marketing teams together. — Michael A. Stelzner (@Mike_Stelzner) January 31, 2019

How Neuromarketing Could Revolutionize the Marketing Industry

If digital and traditional marketers faced off in a debate about whose promotional philosophy is superior (which would probably get more heated than an NSYNC versus Backstreet Boys dispute), one of the points digital marketers could hang over traditional marketers’ heads is their ability to measure a campaign’s performance -- and their opponent’s inability to do the same.  Whether its views, social shares, scroll depth, subscriptions, leads, and sometimes even ROI, digital marketers can measure it all. But even though we have access to a laundry list of metrics, we still can’t measure what is arguably the most crucial indicator of a campaign’s performance -- emotional resonance. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing a spike in traffic as much as the next blogger. But in an industry where skimming a page for 10 seconds counts as a view, leaving your desk to grab some string cheese will result in a time-on-page of five minutes, and 50% of web traffic and engagement are generated by bots...

Absolutely Everything You Need to Know About Paid Time Off (PTO)

From 1976 to 2000, the average working American took off more than 20 days a year . 15 years later, that number has decreased to 16 days for the average American. We all know the importance of work-life balance -- but, unfortunately, we don't always know how to implement formal company policies to give employees' legitimate permission to take time off. And, without company approval, many employees are leaving free vacation days on the table. Additionally, your employees are unique. While some might want time off to visit the Grand Canyon, others might just want to stay home with a sick child, or catch up on errands. A lack of time off for employees can impact your company's bottom line, too. In fact, people who use vacation days are more likely to get a promotion or raise . Ultimately, time off allows people to recharge and maintain peak productivity levels, undoubtedly good for your company's long-term growth. To ensure your company sees optimal success in 2019,...


How to Organize Social Media Marketing Tasks: 3 Tools 🛠️ ✨ by @seosmarty via @smexaminer — Michael A. Stelzner (@Mike_Stelzner) January 31, 2019

13 Psychological Pri

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19 Marketing Predict

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Smart investment — Michael A. Stelzner (@Mike_Stelzner) January 31, 2019


Thanks much Meilee — Michael A. Stelzner (@Mike_Stelzner) January 31, 2019

This fully customiza

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Instagram can someti

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Colour Theory Basics

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The Ultimate Guide to Service-Level Agreements (SLAs)

At many companies, it can feel as if there are 100 miles between sales and marketing. According to the 2018 State of Inbound report, fewer than half of marketers would describe their respective companies' sales and marketing teams as "generally aligned." That's a problem. In HubSpot's early days, our marketing and sales executives started out on the same team, and luckily that collaboration has trickled down throughout the organization as it continues to grow. But it wasn't just luck, of course. That alignment -- which we call "Smarketing" -- is largely the result of a conscious decision to work together, set goals, and create agreements between both teams. One of the most critical steps to aligning your sales and marketing efforts is creating a service level agreement (SLA). Traditionally, an SLA serves to define exactly what a customer will receive from a service provider. But SLAs serve internal operations as well, and sales and marketing ag...

Facebook Unveils Str

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Facebooks New Busine

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Facebooks Attempts t

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WhatsApp Encryption

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The Benefits of AMP:

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19 Marketing Predict

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Colour Theory Basics

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Don't Block the Exit [The Customer Code Series]

This post is part 10 of 11 in a series on the HubSpot Customer Code . If you want to see an otherwise calm and collected person switch to blind rage, ask them about a time they tried to cancel a service. Ask me about my attempts to cancel cable. My colleague’s gym only allowed cancellations if you showed up in-person, during business hours. And don’t even get me started on the nightmare of cancelling magazine subscriptions. We’ve all had these experiences. They are universally loathed, and we remember them -- and still get angry! -- one, five, even 10 years after they have happened. But there is often a gap between what we know as a person, and what we do as a business. Recently our COO, JD Sherman, told me about a meeting he had with one of our customer success managers. She was nearly in tears as she told him about a customer she loved working with, who also loved working with her. They’d had a long and successful relationship together. But they were in a difficult situation...

The Psychology Behind Viral Marketing Videos

In 2007, brothers Chip and Death Heath accomplished something that even the Coen brothers would tip their caps to -- their book Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die climbed to the top of both The New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. Made to Stick achieved astronomical success because it taught readers a model for making ideas “sticky” , or, in other words, making ideas digestible, memorable, and compelling. And by analyzing countless amounts of “sticky” ideas, like JFK’s “Man on the Moon” speech and even some conspiracy theories, the Heath Brothers noticed that a “sticky” idea usually follows six principles: Simple: its core message must be easy to grasp. Unexpected: it should break cliche and evoke enough curiosity to grab someone’s attention and hold it. Concrete: it should be vividly painted in people’s minds. Credible: it should be supported by evidence. Emotional: it should have a purpose and relate to people. Story-driven: it shoul...

Micro Conversions: What They Are, Why They Matter & How to Track Them

As marketers, we all know what macro conversions are -- simply put, a macro-conversion is the primary goal of your site. For instance, Amazon's macro conversion is when a user purchases a product. Boston Web Group's macro-conversion, on the other hand, is when someone requests a consultation appointment. But oftentimes, a user doesn't jump straight to a macro conversion. I've never stumbled across a site I've never heard of and immediately clicked "Buy now" on a product -- and, my guess is, neither have you. This is where micro conversions come into play. Similar to the warm-up before the full sprint, a micro-conversion is a necessary step in your buyer's journey. Here, we'll explore what exactly micro-conversions are, why they matter, and how to track them. Micro Conversions: What They Are and Why They Matter A micro conversion is any incremental step a user can take to show initial interest in your brand or product. If you only pay at...