Learning some things in life is relatively straightforward. Take knitting, for example -- that's typically as simple as procuring some yarn and needles and searching for a how-to video on getting started. Sure, your work might look a little haphazard at first, but the steps are fairly intuitive. Learning to lead others, on the other hand, isn't so linear. There's always the option to pick up a leadership book or turn to articles on the topic to get started, but a start is all it will be. You've got to read, listen, ask questions, put things into practice, make mistakes, and course-correct -- only then, you might be at a "good enough" level. But everyone has to start somewhere, and if you're looking to embark on a leadership development path, you might also be looking for some of the best materials to help you along the journey. We've got you covered -- below are some of our favorite podcasts, tools, tips, and resources to become a better leader. ...