You’re a busy marketer. Your days are full of client meetings, brand research, marketing strategy sessions ... Who has time to do market research for their own marketing agency? If you think market research is for clients only, better think again. As a marketer, it’s equally important for you to understand your market, its wants and needs, the state of your competition, and your place in the marketing ecosystem and pecking order. Make no mistake -- market research for your own firm is no purely-academic exercise. Think of it this way: the better you know your audience, the more easily you can turn prospects into clients. Incredible as it may seem, most professional services firms, including marketing agencies, don’t know their audiences as well as they should. As a result, they’re missing out on opportunities to gain more clients and get more business out of current ones. So why don’t more marketing firms do research? Well, because many think, for some reason, their clients are ...