You all know the Old Spice guy, right? The years-old " The Man Your Man Could Smell Like " campaign was memorable for many reasons, but one of them was that it gave Old Spice a voice -- voice that came through in every video, commercial, tagline, Facebook update, tweet ... you name it. And do you know who is behind all of that marketing collateral? Copywriters. The ability to find the exact right words to tell your company's story isn't an easy feat, and it's even harder to do so consistently. So when we come across companies that are doing it successfully, we think their copywriters deserve a pat on the back (and a raise?). Take a look at some of the companies we think have stellar copywriting, and if you're looking, maybe get some inspiration for your own brand, too. 13 Brands That Are Skilled at Writing Copy 1) UrbanDaddy UrbanDaddy has mastered the art of getting me to open emails. And when I click into them, they don't disappoint. This is ...