When planning giveaways, discounts, coupons, promotional events, and any other special pricing for your ecommerce company, you’re probably already counting your profits in your head. Then, you run across a blog like this one that says ecommerce promotions just don’t work. What are you supposed to believe? Well, let’s first consider what you want to get out of your latest promotion. If you’re just looking for a high number of sales conversions, then you’re set . If you’re looking for loyal customers who will come back time and again, then you’re setting yourself up to fail. Why? Let’s consider a few facts. Lowering the Perceived Value When you can lower the price of a product just to get it out the door, your customers start to wonder just how valuable that item is. For instance, if you can slash your prices to 50% on a particular handbag design, only to jack the prices back up two days later, anyone who encountered the lower price will forever more believe that’s what your product ...