20 of the Worst Typos, Grammatical Errors & Spelling Mistakes We've Ever Seen


“How long did you take to revise this?” “A couple of sec, I mean minutes … ”

“Did you use any editing tools?” “Yes ... the red and green squiggly lines in Word.”

“Please tell me spell check is somehow broken. ” “ … I haven’t used that since 2008 … ”

Whenever the internet devours brands for making typos more cringeworthy than my parents’ joint Facebook account, I picture these conversations ensuing between writers and supervisors.

Because even though they have access to a stockpile of grammar and spelling tools, they still let typos or poor grammar creep into their copy.

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I empathize with these unlucky writers, though. Typos are inevitable. Sometimes, they tiptoe into my blog posts, and there’s nothing I can do about the embarrassment except lock myself in the nap room and wail into a pillow.

But the 20 pen slips below were so hilarious and shocking that my laughter pierced through all my colleagues' noise-canceling headphones. I couldn't stop chuckling at these editing blunders.

So, although our hearts sting for these writers, we decided to share their hysterical typos and grammatical errors. Hopefully, they'll forget the pain and laugh with us too.

20 Funny Typos, Grammatical Errors & Spelling Mistakes

1) We're having a little trouble imagining this.


Image Credit: 11 Points

2) Just found out The Purge actually happened.


Image credit: ViralNova

3) "When I grow up, I want to be a technincian!"


Image Credit: WCPO

4) If you think about, it is original.


Image Credit: Slice

5) Best headline since "Headless Body in Topless Bar".


Image credit: The Guardian

6) Ironic Twitter shaming: a dish best served cold.

7) The few and the proud.


Image credit: ViralNova

8) The one-two typo punch ...

First, the poster:


Image credit: JimRomensko.com

Then, the apology tweet:


Image credit: The Chronicle of Higher Education

9) We wouldn't take one.


Image credit: Cheezburger

10) Did someone actually name their kid Sport?

Screen Shot 2017-06-20 at 4.14.04 PM.png

Image credit: Flickr

11) Well, at least they admit to their mistakes.


Image credit: Jazarah!

12) Did they edit this ad in a New York minute?


Image credit: Engrish and Funny Typos

13) The ultimate silver lining.


Image credit: ViralNova

14) Apparently, floor cloth won him seven Tour de Frances.


Image Credit: Slice

15) Is it proper grammar?


Image Credit: The Huffington Post

16) We'd buy it.


Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

17) What would happen if you pressed no?


Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

18) She doesn't know it yet, but she's talking about herself.


Image Credit: ViralNova

19) We hear he's a little dramatic under water.


Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

20) Throwback to Googing things.

Screen Shot 2017-06-20 at 4.11.37 PM.png

Image Credit: Flickr

What's the worst typo or grammtical error you've ever seen? Share your stories in the comments below!

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in June 2013 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

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