Artificial Intelligence, Future of Google: RankBrain

Artificial Intelligence Future of Google: RankBrain
Google's RankBrain uses artificial intelligence to filter results.  This article will help you answer the obvious question: What is AI?

So the machines are taking over at Google.  Google receives millions of searches every second and those searches are now being interpreted by AI software: Google's RankBrain.  Google's parent company, Alphabet, Inc. had nothing but positive things to say about the company's new AI software and machine learning.

Artificial Intelligence Future Google RankBrain
Artificial Intelligence Future Google RankBrain

Artificial Intelligence Definition
So what is AI? Artificial intelligence's definition is as follows: The ability of machines to imitate intelligent human behavior.

Google's RankBrain is not the new way Google ranks search results instead it is a part of the company's overall search algorithm.  Therefore stick to the SEO strategies and social media marketing plans that you have implemented as they should still be effective.

Google's current algorithm, Hummingbird, is still in place.  The company chose the name Hummingbird because the algorithm is precise and fast.  Hummingbird adds strength to long-tailed keywords.

The search algorithm focuses on synonyms as well as context.  Remember, good and bad luck are synonyms for good and bad judgment.  Strategize in order to remain successful in your digital greatness.


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