Blogging Tip of the Week

Think about how disappointed you feel when your favorite blog or website has not posted an update.  You seem to have all the time in the world to read new material at that moment yet there is nothing new on the site.  To make things even worst, this is not the first time that this has happened.

These days, people's attention spans are as short as they have even been.  This means that it may only take one or two disappointing visits to your blog for them to decide to never visit the site again.  Inconsistent bloggers are destined for failure.  Your competition is far too busy updating their blogs therefore you must keep up or get left behind!

Quality Over Quantity
This is not an EZ Pass for you to be able to post junk.  The same way that you can lose readers for a lack of consistency, you can lose readers if you fail to post quality content that makes your readers beg for more!

More Subscribers
Hubspot conducted a study that showed that a blog that is updated on a consistent basis leads to a higher subscriber rate:


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